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Mental health during pregnancy

24,Oct 2023
Preeti suri

Confusion and questions! Right from the day you find out that you are pregnant, be ready for a mind full of confusions and questions. For every condition of yours, you will have hundred questions and a day full of confusion. But all is well that ends well.

The day i found out that i was pregnant is the day i found out that all the physiological problems i was facing was due to pregnancy. So yes, it was a good news as well as a bad news. The first three months were most difficult because the numerous changes, a mother’s body goes through is unimaginable. And all such changes are not pleasant. I used to constantly fight my changes. I used to crave for older days when everything was just fine and better. I was always in bad mood because things were not in my control. People told me that first three months are usually most disturbing but it will be better in the second trimester. But that did not happen. Even the second trimester was as bad. And therefore i ended up spoiling my second trimester hoping for something good to happen.

What i did not realise was that good was already happening inside me. Soon i started to feel my baby’s movements and could feel the life inside me. It changed me completely. I started reading about the life growing inside me and downloaded numerous apps which would tell me about the growth of my baby. Knowing about little details and watching videos made me more attached and more sensitive. Thankfully i enjoyed my last semester. I realised that yes, pregnancy is the best thing that can happen to a person. I realised that being a woman i was lucky to have this experience in life which a man cannot have. I realised my strengths and weaknesses, which a person, rarely gets an opportunity, to realise in one lifetime. I was lucky to be a mother.